Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The First One

So here I am, writing the first post to this new idea I had late last night.  I am a blog reader, er follower (whatever), like a lot of you, but as I read many of the brilliant blog posts about cooking/crafting/gardening/DIY-ing/decorating/beingSuperwoman, etc, I find myself feeling, well, kinda loserish.  Ya, I know that's not a word.

The point is, I don't DO any of that stuff - at least not well enough to blog about it for the entire world to see - and there has to be other women out there like me, right?!  I can't be alone in thinking that there are others who would like to read a 'regular' blog about everyday stuff that we just DO, but not so we can publish it.  How 'bout a place where you might read about other moms who may (or may not) have almost lost it with their children, women who went to the grocery store and DIDN'T use Xtreme amounts of coupons (what? you pay full price for stuff?), or maybe you didn't refurbish an antique today and just went out and straight up bought something for your home.

I don't know what I expect of this blog, but I'm hoping to find suggestions, support, ideas, postings or profanities from people out there in web world! 


Oh, and no offense to anyone who DOES do fabulous stuff and teaches us how to do it online (see above).

Speak up!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I don't blog about things I have done/made usually I usually blog about my kids and things we have done as a family...I would love to read your blog. If you want to check mine out I have to invite you:)
